Hello again, friends! I have recently started a pet leveling service in-game. Most days I'll trade a handful of my level 25 cageable pets for my client's level 1s, but if I can't match their breed, sometimes a client will entrust me with his pets for an hour or so for leveling up. This requires a relationship of solid trust, so if you're thinking of hiring a pet leveling service for your own menagerie, I recommend trading your beloved pets only to those you know really well or trust completely.
Since several people have asked me to share my pet powerleveling method, I thought I'd post the guide here. If done correctly, it's fast and efficient. You'll be able to fully level up 4-5 pets daily (more than 125 level 1 pets per month!), investing only an hour or so per day using no other method. If you want to do more, there are many more daily tamers in the lands, plus darkmoon fair tamers, tournaments, pvp, field fights, all which grant experience as an extra supplement to this powerleveling method. I have leveled well over 1000 pets to 25, and I've found this method to be the most efficient and reliable, without getting overwhelmed. I use 7 Pandaria Tamers and 6 Draenor Tamers, plus the garrison daily if possible. It yields enough experience with a one hour triple buff to level 4 pets from 1-24 (plus a 5th pet to 14+), all within an hour - after which you can easily top them off with stones or the garrison battle. All the pets I use are attainable in the game.
At least one character (level 100) with a garrison menagerie, a Safari Hat, Pandaria flying, and access to all the tamer dailies in the game. I also recommend a good pet battle add-on (optional) to organize and speed-swap your teams. I use PetBattle Teams.
Most fights do not require breed-specific pets with a couple of exceptions, which I'll try to indicate in the team builds below. Here are the pets I use and recommend for power leveling:
- TWO Nexus Whelplings - 25 (destruction, p/s)
- Crow or Raven - 25 (p/s, ninja)
- Darkmoon Zeppelin - 25
- Chrominius - 25
- TWO Menagerie Custodians - 25 (guardian, h/p)
- Anubisath Idol - 25
- Iron Starlette - 25 (destruction)
- Rapana Whelk -25 (balance)
- Dragonbone Hatchling -25 (h/p)
- Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling -25
- Infinite Whelpling - 25 (destruction)
- Magical Crawdad - 25
- Unborn Val'kyr - 25 (guardian)
- Creepy Crate - 25
In addition, you'll need these following items per day:
- 1 Pet Treat (price: 10 Pet Charms, 1 Celestial Coin, or from What We've Been Training For)
- 1 Lesser Pet Treat (price: 5 Pet Charms, or reward for Beasts of Fable dailies)
- Extra matching or flawless Battle-Training Stones (big bag of pet supplies reward or price: 3 Pet Charms)
- 4 to 5 Level 1 "carry" pets of any type or breed
Time required per day:
- 1 hour uninterrupted play time (no distractions, no detours!) , plus 10-15 minutes to top your pets off
Items you will receive from this method:
- 32 Pet Charms (for purchasing more buffs and supplies, etc)
- Various random bag drops such as cosmetic buffs, vendor trash, bandages, rarity upgrade stones
- Possible pets and leveling stones from quest rewards
- More than 105 levels spread over 4 or 5 carry pets every day!
If you follow my method, pay close attention to every detail. Most fights require a script or formula, so the timing for switching in low-level carry pets is crucial. Any deviation from the basic routine will be a potential waste of your expensive buffs, as you're forced to repeat fights unnecessarily. You will need to be as quick and efficient as possible to reap the full benefits of the one hour triple buff. Travel directly to each tamer without delay, use your flying time to organize your next team and heal your pets. Ideally, you should avoid taking any time to chat, pick herbs, kill rare spawns, etc. In other words, focus!
Before you begin, organize these following teams in your pet battle add-on. Each day before you start your daily rounds, you'll need to replace the new carry pets in their team slots as follows:
Team 1: Hyuna
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25
- Crow or Raven (alpha strike, call darkness, nocturnal strike) lvl 25
- Carry pet #1, lvl 1
Team 2: Mo'ruk
- Darkmoon Zeppelin (missile, explode, decoy) lvl 25
- Chrominius (arcane explosion, howl, surge of power) lvl 25
- Carry pet #2, lvl 1
Team 3: Nishi
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25 destruction
- Menagerie Custodian (zap, shock and awe, ion cannon) lvl 25
- Carry pet #2
Team 4: Aki
- Anubisath Idol (crush, stoneskin, deflect) lvl 25
- Crow or Raven (alpha strike, call darkness, nocturnal strike) lvl 25 p/s
- Carry pet #3, lvl 1
Team 5: Shu
- Crow or Raven (alpha strike, call darkness, nocturnal strike) lvl 25 p/s
- Iron Starlette (wind-up, powerball, supercharge) lvl 25 destruction (damage critical)
- Carry pet #3
Team 6: Zusshi
- Rapana Whelk (absorb, acidic goo, dive) lvl 25
- Dragonbone Hatchling (slicing wind, hawk eye, lift-off) lvl 25
- Carry Pet #1
Team 7: Yon
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25 destruction
- Menagerie Custodian (zap, shock and awe, ion cannon) lvl 25 guardian (survival critical)
- Carry pet #4, lvl 1
Team 8: Ashlei
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25
- Carry pet #5, lvl 1
Team 9: Vesharr
- Carry pet #5
- Chrominius (arcane explosion, howl, surge of power) lvl 25
- Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (breath, thunderbolt, decoy) lvl 25
Team 10: Taralune
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25
- Nexus Whelpling (tail sweep, mana surge, arcane storm) lvl 25 p/s (speed critical)
- Carry pet #1
Team 11: Cymre
- Magical Crawdad (snap, shell shield, wish) lvl 25
- Infinite Whelpling (tail sweep, healing flame, early advantage) lvl 25
- Carry pet #2
Team 12: Gargra
- Menagerie Custodian (zap, shock and awe, ion cannon) lvl 25
- Menagerie Custodian (zap, shock and awe, ion cannon) lvl 25
- Carry pet #3
Team 13: Tarr
- Unborn Val'kyr (shadow slash, curse of doom, haunt) lvl 25
- Creepy Crate (creepy chomp, curse of doom, bonestorm) lvl 25
- Carry pet #5
Garrison Random Team
The garrison battle changes every day and will require a variety of pets to beat. A few menagerie battles are pretty easily beaten with two level 25s and a carry pet. Some of those will reward great experience, and since you can repeat the menagerie fight as often as you like, it's a great way to level pets on the battles that allow it.
The route and flightpaths are based on Alliance side in Draenor. I'll try to add an edit for a Horde side route soon.
1. Begin at Hyuna. Select Team 1. Pick up her daily quest and apply your one hour triple buff of Safari Hat, Pet Treat, and Lesser Pet Treat. Open with Nexus - 3, 2, when mana surge finishes, swap in-and-out your carry pet, letting your Nexus die to the burrow damage. Switch in crow, 1, 1, 1 then when snake is dead and turtle comes in, 1, 2, 3, finish off with 1 spam if he's not dead. First carry pet should now be level 14. Turn in quest and mount up.
2. Fly to Mo'ruk. While flying, select Team 2 and heal your pets on cooldown. This battle is called a "suicide mission", where your carry will not ever enter the fight but will be the only survivor. Take the quest and begin. Open with your zeppelin - missile, decoy, then spam missile until Woodcarver is dead. As soon as Woodcarver dies, switch in Chromi. If Chromi does not get put to sleep with moth dust, do one arcane explosion then howl, surge of power. If he is slept, skip 1 and just do howl+surge of power. Chromi probably won't do any more damage, but it's important to leave him in the fight until he dies to the turtle. Switch in Zeppelin, missile until rooted, then decoy, then missile until he's within explode range (618 health or you're unable to survive a second hit), then explode. Important: you must force both level 25 pets to suicide in this battle or your carry will get zero experience. Your second carry pet is now level 14. Turn in quest and mount up.
3. Fly to Farmer Nishi. While flying, select Team 3 and heal your pets on cooldown. Open with Nexus - 3 then 2. Switch in carry to take all Toothbreaker's Sons of the Root damage then switch back to Nexus. Refresh ARCANE STORM then mana surge until Toothbreaker dies. Arcane storm Mothallus and tail sweep until nexus is dead, hopefully taking burrow damage. Switch to Menagerie Custodian, shock and awe, zap if needed, ion cannon. Your second carry pet should now be level 20. Turn in quest and mount up.
4. Fly to Aki the Chosen. While flying, select Team 4 and heal your pets on cooldown. Open with Anubisath Idol - stoneskin, spam crush but always refresh stoneskin before it drops off. Keeping stoneskin up is the most important part of the fight against Chirrup. You don't want shattered defenses when Stormlash enters the fight. Continue to spam crush until Chirrup is dead. Spam crush on Stormlash until he dies. Switch in-and-out your carry pet, taking Whisker's dive damage on your Anubisath Idol. Crush until your Idol dies. Switch in crow, then 1, 2, 3. Third carry pet should now be level 14. Turn in quest and mount up.
5. Fly to Wastewalker Shu. While flying, select Team 5 and heal your pets on cooldown. Open with Crow or Raven - 1, 2, 3. Stay in until Crow or Raven dies, then switch in-and-out your carry pet. With Starlette, 1, 2, 3, 1. If Pounder is still alive, finish him with 2. When Mutilator switches in, continue with Starlette - 1, 3, 1. Turn in quest and mount up. Third carry pet is now level 20.
6. Fly to Zusshi. While flying, select Team 6 and heal your pets on cooldown. Open with Rapana Whelk - 2, 3, then spam 1 until Diamond is dead. On Mollus, 2, 3, then spam 1 and reapply 2 until your whelk dies. Switch in-then-out carry pet. With Dragonbone - 2, then spam 1 until Mollus dies. Refresh 2, then 1, using lift-off to avoid drowsy and/or pump. finish with 1. Turn in quest and mount up. First carry pet should now be level 20.
7. Fly to Yon. While flying, select Team 7 and heal your pets on cool down. Open with Nexus, 1, 3, 2, killing Piqua and damaging Lapin. Be sure to switch in-and-out your carry pet when mana surge ends, before Lapin's burrow. Nexus dies to Lapin, then switch in Menagerie Custodian - 2, then spam 1 until rabbit dies. On goat, 1 until 2 cooldown, then 2, 3. Turn in quest and hearth to your garrison. Fourth carry pet is now level 14 and you should have approximately 30-35 minutes left on your triple buff if you've done the fights flawlessly without any dawdling.
8. Immediately take a flightpath from your garrison to Embaari Village. While flying, select Team 8 and heal your pets on cooldown. Mount up and ride to Ashlei. Take quest and open with Nexus - 3, 2. switch in and out your carry pet in at any time during Elekk phase. Switch back to Nexus and reapply 3, then 2. If your first Nexus whelping dies, use the second whelp with mana surge to finish battle. Turn in and mount up. Your fifth carry pet is now level 15.
9. Ride back to Embaari flight path and take a flight to Veil Terokk. While flying, select Team 9 and heal your pets on cooldown. Take the quest from Vesharr. Open your carry pet for one attack, then switch in Chromi - spam 1 until your health drops below 900, 2, then spam 1 until Kaliri dies. When Apexis Guardian comes in, continue spamming 1, healing on cooldown until your Chromi dies. Switch to dragonling - thunderbolt, spam 1, using decoy to avoid entangling roots. Turn in quest and mount up/return to flightpath. Your carry fifth carry pet should be level 21.
10. Fly to Retribution Point in Talador. While flying, select Team 10 and heal your pets on cooldown. Ride to Taralune and take the quest. Open with 1, 3, 2. Refresh 3 and tail sweep until either your first Nexus dies, or Grace dies. When Atonement enters, switch in-and-out your carry pet, then 2. Turn in and mount up/return to the flightpath. Your first carry pet is now 24.
11. Fly to Deeproot, Gorgrond. While flying, select Team 11 and heal your pets on cooldown. Ride to Cymre and take the quest. Open with Magical Crawdad - 2, then spam 1 until Idol Of Decay is below 250 health. Switch in-then-out your carry pet. Snap, then cast Wish on the Idol's undead round. Switch in Infinite Whelpling - spam tail sweep until Wishbright Lantern dies. Cast Early Advantage as soon as Gyrexle enters the fight and spam tail sweep. Turn in quest and mount up/return to the flightpath. Your second carry pet is now 24.
12. Fly to Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge. While flying, select Team 12 and heal your pets on cooldown. Ride to Gargra and take the quest. Open with Menagerie Custodian - 2, 3. Spam 1 and use 2, 3 on cooldown until Wolfus enters the fight. Switch in-and-out your carry pet on Wolfus' howl. Finish with Menagerie Custodian 2, 3 etc. Turn in and mount up/return to flightpath. Your third pet is now 24.
13. Fly to Rilzit's Holdfast in Nagrand. While flying, select Team 13 and heal your pets on cooldown. Ride to Tarr and take the quest. Open with Unborn Val'kyr - 2, 3. Switch in Creepy Crate then 2, 3. When your Crate is stunned or after bladestorm, switch in-and-out your carry pet. Spam 1s until all the murlocs are dead. Turn in quest and hearth to your garrison. Your 5th pet is now 23-24.
You should now have 4 of your carry pets leveled up to 24, and a fifth to level 14. At this point, your triple buff is likely worn off. If your garrison battle is a good "leveling" fight, finish up your level 14 carry pet and top off your other level 24s by repeating the battle. If not, simply complete the menagerie daily with a strong team for the Pet Charms, and visit a few other pet tamers or do field battles to finish your level 14. Then top off your level 24s from your collection of matching Battle-Training Stones. Save your Battle-Training stones for 24s only, and use them only on days where the menagerie battle doesn't give good leveling experience! Purchase your buffs for tomorrow.

If you have done this method without making mistakes or wasting any time on your triple buff, you should have 5 fully leveled pets in just over an hour. Do this every day and you'll soon have this routine memorized and you'll be able to finish before your buff wears wears off. Your pets will level up quickly! If you have rarely-used alts, you can station them at tamers to shave off even more traveling time. You'll need to give each alt a separate triple buff, but since you log them in and out for only one fight, one triple buff will remain for several days.
I hope you're all leveling up your pets already, but if you're just starting out I hope this guide helps!
Thanks and credit to:
Chibimage - Stormrage
HazelNutty Games
Helbrecht - Eldre'Thalus
Jerebear - Llane
Thanks and credit to:
Chibimage - Stormrage
HazelNutty Games
Helbrecht - Eldre'Thalus
Jerebear - Llane
Looking forward to trying your system out after the servers come back online. Its been quite a while since I've done pet battles, but I'm tired of staring at that sad yellow question mark in my garrison! Thanks for the guide.
ReplyDeleteBeing horde side, here is a route that will get you *just* inside the timers if everything goes correctly. (Did it today! with 1 minute left, and needing to repeat Mo'Ruk during the hour.)
ReplyDeleteHearth Garrison
Gargra (My team is slightly different: Warbot - Cogblade Raptor - Carry) fight notes @ bottom
Hearth Garrison
Tarr the Terrible
Alt Gargra fight:
Bring out Warbot
1. Cast Minefield
2. Cast Extra Plating
3. Missile until first opponent dies
Swap Carry
Cast Minefield
Missile until Warbot death
Bring out Cogblade Raptor
Overtune (usually kills second opponent)
Batter (usually only 1 needed due to minefield... if not, repeat batter. I have seen minefield 1shot 3rd opponent)
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