Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Congratulations Screenshot Contest Winners!

First of all, thank you to everyone for all your wonderful entries. I was really blown away by the creativity and work that obviously went into your screenshots. The judges had a hard time picking their favorites, but here are the winners:

First Place: Jen Janke
"Crawling Claw"
Prize: Banana Charm

Second Place: Melodie Pellizzer
"Jump to the Stars"
Prize: Robotic Homing Chicken

There were also two runners-up who won Nightsaber Cubs: Diana Russell and Marusu Kaname!

Grats to the winners!


  1. Congrats everyone! At least I made the page lol.

  2. I must say, there are some very creative screenshots among the entries! Thanks for holding the contest and picking me as one of the runner ups. It's a great honor ^^

  3. so many great screenshots! I loved so many of them, I feel really lucky to have won with such great competition. Lots of creative costumes and locations. I especially loved Vanessa and Sara's entries, the first making me laugh out loud, and the second a just incredibly beautiful capture.

  4. Grats to the winners! :D I love your shots, guys!
    It's a honour to have my entry in the gallery :)
    Special thanks to Drrum for making contests like this one, and for keeping collectors' spirits up! I like to see that many people love other aspects of the game other than just meters and points ;)
    Keep shooting! :D

  5. Gratz to the winners and runner ups, great screenshots guys! Everyone else who made the page had great shots too.

  6. Boy I've love to know where that Greenwing photo was taken.

    Nice photos, grats all.

  7. Well at least mine made the page XD . WOW.. just.. WOW!!!... There are some REALLY awesome shots there. The first and second place are just fantastic. I especially like the setting second place Melodie chose; great idea getting the pet to match up with the ceiling design ;) . Hope to do this again sometime, it was real fun. Not to mention I got an awesome desktop image for my computer out of it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. WTB edit button...what I was saying: The Green Macaw Pic was taken inside the statue in Booty Bay, which got damaged during the cataclysm.

  10. The statue has an INSIDE!?

    *Rushes to log on*


  11. Crap! Nightsaber cubs were to be had?!?! i gotta start entering. my graphic skills are not as great but I gotta try!
